Unit in Brief

The Computer Skills Unit was founded in 1425H as part of the Faculty of Information Technology at King Abdulaziz University.

Goals of the Unit:

·        Provide  students with the basic skills needed to handle the computer.

·        Application of computer skills in  students academic studies.  The students are provided with the necessary skills for writing using the word processing program and skills for data show presentation applying the Power Point program in addition to other skills.

·        Development of computer skills that will benefit  students in their future career.  Students are provided with necessary skills that help them use both  calculation and database programs.

·        Training  students to use the operating system and office software.

·        Introducing  students to more advanced teaching methods, such as distance learning and e-learning which enhances the student’s ability to use the computer and internet in learning.

Last Update
6/9/2013 11:48:19 AM